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Decancq, Koen; & Lugo, Maria Ana. (2012). Inequality of well-being: a multidimensional approach. Economica, 79(316), 721-46.

Deconinck, Koen; & Swinnen, Johan F. M. (2012). Peer effects in alcohol consumption: evidence from Russia's beer boom. LICOS Discussion Paper 316.

Denisova, Irina; & Kartseva, Marina. (2012). Alcoholism and the Russian mortality crisis. Public Health–Methodology, Environmental and Systems Issues, 367.

Denisova, Irina; Eller, Markus; Frye, Timothy; & Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina. (2012). Everyone hates privatization, but why? Survey evidence from 28 post-Communist countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 40(1), 44-61.

Didenko, Dmitry V. (2012). Income inequality and systemic transformations: long-term trends of human capital private returns. The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies (JCES), 7, 53-88.

Ermakov, Stepan. (2012). The impact of smoking intensity on wages in Russia. (In Russian. With English summary.). Applied Econometrics, 25(1), 70-94.

Frick, Joachim R.; Grabka, Markus M.; & Groh-Samberg, Olaf. (2012). Dealing with incomplete household panel data in inequality research. Sociological Methods & Research, 41(1), 89-123.

Frijters, Paul; & Beatton, Tony. (2012). The mystery of the U-shaped relationship between happiness and age. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 82(2), 525-542.

Gimpelson, Vladimir; & Oshchepkov, Aleksey. (2012). Does more unemployment cause more fear of unemployment? IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 1(6).

Graham, Carol. (2012). The pursuit of happiness: an economy of well-being. Washington D.C.: Brookings Instution Press.

Hendley, Kathryn. (2012). Who are the legal nihilists in Russia? Post-Soviet Affairs, 28(2), 149-86.

Heyndrickx, Christophe; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; & Tourdyeva, Natalia. (2012). Implications of an increase in domestic prices of gas in Russia, an application of the regional economic model SUSTRUS. European Regional Science Association.

Heyndrickx, Christophe; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; & Tourdyeva, Natalia. (2012). To raise or not to raise? Impact assessment of Russia's incremental gas price reform. ZEW Discussion Papers 12-052.

Jahns, Lisa; Adair, Linda S.; Mroz, Thomas A.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2012). The declining prevalence of overweight among Russian children: income, diet, and physical activity behavior changes. Economics & Human Biology, 10(2), 139-146.

Juurikkala, Tuuli; & Lazareva, Olga. (2012). Non‐wage benefits, costs of turnover and labour attachment. Economics of Transition, 20(1), 113-136.

Karabchuk, Tatiana S. (2012). Informal employment in Russia: Why is it so sustainable. Economic Sociology. The European Electronic Newsletter, 13(2), 29-36.

Karabchuk, Tatiana S. (2012). Temporary employment in Russia: why mostly men? The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 9(2), 279-303.

Klimova, Anastasia. (2012). Gender differences in determinants of occupational choice in Russia. International Journal of Social Economics, 39(9), 648-670.

Klimova, Anastasia; & Ross, Russell. (2012). Gender-based occupational segregation in Russia: an empirical study. International Journal of Social Economics, 39(7), 474-489.

Kolosnitsyna, Marina. (2012). Remuneration reforms in public sector: a case of Russian healthcare. Chinese Business Review, 11(1), 109-118.