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Слободенюк, Екатерина Дмитриевна. (2013). Нерыночные факторы бедности в современной России и пути совершенствования социальной политики. Журнал исследований социальной политики, 11(3), 391-406.

Травкин, ПВ. (2013). Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики.

Фирсова, НЮ. (2013). Предикторы инновационных потребительских практик: освоение интернет-шопинга в российских домохозяйствах1. Экономическая социология, 14(4), 27.

Agadjanian, Victor; & Zotova, Natalya. (2012). Sampling and surveying hard-to-reach populations for demographic research: a study of female labor migrants in Moscow, Russia. Demographic Research, 26(5), 131-50.

Aghekyan, Marine; Ulrich, Pamela; & Connell, Lenda. (2012). Using body scans in assessing perceptions of body attractiveness and size: cross-cultural study. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 5(2), 81-89.

Aistov, Andrey V. (2012). Is education a signal on the Russian labour market? Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 05/EDU/2012.

Aistov, Andrey V.; & Rassadovskaya, Anastasiia V. (2012). Anticorruption Legislation and Individual Propensity to Bribery in Russia. Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publishing House.

Aistov, Andrey V.; Larin, Alexander; & Leonova, Lyudmila. (2012). Informal employment and happiness: model with endogenous regressors. (In Russian. With English summary.). Applied Econometrics, 26(2), 17-36.

Anikin, Vasiliy A. (2012). The modernization potential of the professional structure of the employed population of Russia. Sociological Research, 51(6), 44-80.

Arabsheibani, Gholam Reza; & Staneva, Anita V. (2012). Returns to education in Russia: where there is risky sexual behaviour there is also an instrument. IZA Discussion Papers No. 6726.

Becker, Charles M.; & Merkuryeva, Irina S. (2012). Disability incidence and official health status transitions in Russia. Economics and Human Biology, 10(1), 74-88.

Bessudnov, Alexey; McKee, Martin; & Stuckler, David. (2012). Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived status and education in Russia, 1994–2006. The European Journal of Public Health, 22(3), 332-337.

Billingsley, Sunnee. (2012). Intragenerational mobility and mortality in Russia: short and longer-term effects. Social Science & Medicine, 75(12), 2326-36.

Budig, Michelle; Misra, Joya; & Böckmann, Irene. (2012). The motherhood penalty in cross-national perspective: the importance of work-family policies and cultural attitudes. Social Politics, 19(2), 163-93.

Buscha, Franz. (2012). Financial expectations and the ‘left–right’political value scale: testing for the POUM hypothesis. Economics Letters, 115(3), 460-464.

Carnoy, Martin; Loyalka, Prashant; Androushchak, Greg; & Proudnikova, Anna. (2012). The economic returns to higher education in the BRIC countries and their implications for higher education expansion. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP, 2.

Chernina, Eugenia; & Lokshin, Michael. (2012). Tajik work migrants in Russia. IZA/Higher School of Economics Workshop: Labor Market Adjustment in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia and China in the Wake of the Great Recession. Moscow, Russia.

Chirkov, Valery I.; Lebedeva, Nadezhda; Molodtsova, Inna; & Tatarko, Alexander. (2012). Social capital, motivational autonomy and health-related behavior in Canadian and Russian youth. In Chadee, Derek & Kostic, Aleksandra (Eds.), Social Psychological Dynamics (pp. 211-243). Kingston: University of the West Indies Press.

Chiu, Rebecca Lai Har. (2012). Gated communities in high density Hong Kong: a pragmatic outcome? Presented at the European Network for Housing Research, Lillehammer, Norway.

De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel; & Oswald, Andrew J. (2012). Estimating the influence of life satisfaction and positive affect on later income using sibling fixed effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(49), 19953-19958.