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The impact of smoking intensity on wages in Russia. (In Russian. With English summary.)

Ermakov, Stepan. (2012). The impact of smoking intensity on wages in Russia. (In Russian. With English summary.). Applied Econometrics, 25(1), 70-94.

Ermakov, Stepan. (2012). The impact of smoking intensity on wages in Russia. (In Russian. With English summary.). Applied Econometrics, 25(1), 70-94.

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This paper examines the influence of tobacco smoking on wages in Russia. Using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey and regressions with individual fixed effect we examine the effect of smoking intensity on wages. After the control for unobserved heterogeneity our findings show the statistical insignificance of coefficients on tobacco consumption intensity for men. On this basis, we are able to assume the absence of causal explanation of the wage gap between male smokers and non-smokers. Estimates for women don't allow us to make the same statement but show the 9.2% wage gain of heavy smokers.


Ermakov, Stepan


Applied Econometrics


